martes, mayo 10, 2005


Day Uno

Today I finished reading The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman. This book was an exhilarating book for me to read. It ratified many feelings I had about the way the world of economic development is changing. I encourage anybody interesting in the subject to read this book and feel free to discuss it with me.

Now, down to business, why is this book so great? Well it made me think about the possibilities, the ideas I can could dream up that could help my native country Colombia be a better place mainly by stimulating economic and social development. It also inspired to me start this blog to communicate my ideas and encourage discussion.

One of the main messages I took away from this book was that concept that societies that achieve higher levels of economics developments (Thomas exemplifies this with the presence of MacDonald’s and global supply change business, Dell theory) become much more stable, their governments have a higher accountability to their people and have a lot at state by engaging in destabilizing activities. The book also talks about the importance of political, economical and social development and gives examples of where such systems are working, achieved partial or substantial results.

The books also gives us examples of what is working in rapidly developing countries such as China and India and I ask, could this be applied to Colombia? Are there similar of new environmental stimulus that I am not aware off?

This subject brought up a few questions that I would like to research and discuss further.

1. What is the state of Colombians connective-ness to the world. How does capabilities and cost of telecommunications compared.

2. How are our ports and infrastructure measuring up? If we where to achieve a sustainable level of growth what should Colombia have?

3. How easy is it to do business in Colombia. How to we compare to other places. A good source for this information is the Doing Business in 2004 and 2005 reports.

4. What are the pitfalls of the Colombian institutions and what can we do to change them. By the
way I am referring mostly to courts and banks.

5. How can we become energy independent? This is a big question and I thinking most governments are not taking this seriously. I think there is a huge opportunity for innovation in this space and should be taking seriously where. I think Colombia as a country should investigate nuclear and alternative energy sources. Plus Colombians citizen should embrace alternative energies. I wonder what is the state of such considerations?

6. How can we improve the quality of our education and make it accessible to everyone. I firmly believe that Colombia will not improve with out education and the creation of pathways for those educated people to create wealth and value for its society.

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